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Customer Reviews

Installing A Rhino Rack Roof Rack On An Acura RDX

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 — No Comments Yet


Installing A Rhino Rack Roof Rack On A 2011 Acura RDX With Factory Rails


First Step: Open the boxes and make sure you have everything you need:

Remove the end caps from your crossbars and shake them up and down to remove the measurement strips, vortex rubber strip and the key. Insert the vortex rubber strips in the C channel on the top of the crossbars and cut the extra bit off if required. 
We discovered we like this back and forth motion to get them in just right. 
Then insert the legs into the crossbar by squeezing the tabs. 
Get your crossbars and sit them on the 2011 Acura MDX's factory rails so that the leg assembly clamps over the rail, then measure and make sure they are in equal distance apart.
Before you tighten anything make sure your gasket is flalred out and not tuked under.
Once your bars are on the rails, make sure that the crossbars have an equal overhang over the bar.
Double check the spacing between yoour crossbars so that they're not sitting crooked on your roof and then you can go ahead and tighten each leg with the allen key provided.
Now for the roof box, the key should be taped to the outside in which you can open one side of the box to access the claws and the straps inside. 
Position your roof box on the crossbars and make sure its not resting on the legs, the sploped end is facing the front and it's straight in line with the vehicle - not sitting on an angle. 
Once it's where you want it, open one side of the roof box and use the cclaw to fasten it to your crossbars. 
Once tight click the big red button to lock it in.
Once your crossbars are tightened you can go ahead and put your end caps on and lock them in place with the key provided.
And VOILA, you have a slick new roof rack and you and your family is ready for some #adventuresonwheels


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