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Customer Reviews

Why Is My Exhaust Rattling On My Trailer Hitch

Written by Hitchweb Team
Tuesday, September 1, 2015 — 3 Comments

My exhaust is rattling on my trailer hitch - how do I fix this?

If you have confirmed that this is the correct trailer hitch for your vehicle and followed all installation steps (such as lowering the exhaust if necessary) then there are a few solutions to this problem:

  1. Bend the exhaust hanger at various points to raise or lower the exhaust. This will move it away from the hitch.
  2. Unbolt and reposition the bolt on hanger.
  3. Replace the rubber isolator as the weight of the exhaust may stretch this connector, causing the exhaust to hang lower.
  4. Take your vehicle to a professional installer to inspect that the trailer hitch installation was done correctly.

If you are still experiencing rattling after trying all 4 of these options, we suggest contacting the manfucturer with your vehicle's VIN number and trailer hitch part number for further assistance.


Eliza Cranston
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
I've had a similar problem with my trailer hitch rattling. I have a new horse trailer and I've just been using the same hitch as I did for my last one but maybe it isn't right for my trailer. I'll try out these suggestions but also look into recommended hitches for my trailer. Thank you!
James Bay
Friday, September 25, 2015
My truck has been doing this too! I was worried I would have to take it in. Thank you for the tips so I can do it myself. I will give this a shot!
Friday, September 25, 2015
I had a similar problem happen to me, the solution was quite simple. Just as recommended, you might have to replace the hanger as this tends to stretch over time, or even in some cases, you might have to bend, or cut the exhaust type short. It is highly recommended that you see a professional shop to have this done, as the exhaust was put into its specified path for very good reasons, it gets very hot as you travel and you would not want it anywhere near the fuel tank, spare tire or brake lines as doing so is a hazard of its own. Eric
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